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I can't sign in
Updated over a year ago

Looking for great cashback deals but can't log in? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Forgotten your password?

You can request a new password here. We'll then send you a link to reset your password. If you're not receiving the link, please check your spam/junk mail folders and also make sure the email address is the one linked to your Quidco account.

If you're trying to reset your password but no longer have access to the email address registered to your account, please follow the steps in our How can I change my email address? FAQ and the Quidco support team can assist further.


If you've reset your password but you're still having trouble logging into your Quidco account, please try the following steps:

  • If you're using a VPN, please disable this during your visit to Quidco and any retailers.

  • Clear your cache and cookies (visit here to find out how to do this on your specific browser)

  • Use a different web browser

  • Use a different device

Still need help?

There may be a few reasons you're still not able to log in. If you're seeing a message saying that your account has been blocked or an alternative error message, please contact the Quidco team.

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