Occasionally voucher codes or offers may expire or fail to work, unbeknownst to us. These are exclusively created for Quidco members by the retailer, and as such, we have no control over them.
If you notice any issues, please do not proceed with the purchase as any discounts or offers will not be honored after the purchase is completed.
A voucher code isn't working. How do I report it?
If you've found an issue with a voucher code, we're keen to resolve this as soon as possible.
If you are having issues with a link to a retailer, please try the following:
Try a different internet browser
Try using a different network - if you are currently using Wi-Fi, try switching to mobile data or vice versa
Try using a different device - if you are accessing Quidco via your laptop try switching to your mobile or vice versa
Clear your browser's cookies.
If you're still having trouble after these steps, please contact customer support and let us know, providing as much information as you can about this issue.
If you encounter an issue with a voucher code, please refrain from making your purchase until we have confirmed that the issue has been resolved. This is because the discount cannot be applied after the purchase has been made.