To ensure your cashback always tracks, please ensure your browser is setup correctly by following this step by step guide:
Make sure your cookies are enabled and pop-up blockers/ad-blockers are disabled. If using a mobile device, ensure you are not using pop-up blocker/ad-blocker or cookie protection apps.
Enable JavaScript in your browser.
Anti-virus software and Firewalls are known to obstruct affiliate links (which we use to track your purchases). Your firewall must be enabled for cookie tracking. Ad and cookie blocking must be disabled to allow us to track your transactions.
Do not use private browsing or incognito windows in any browser.
If possible, use a dedicated browser for all your shopping.
Don't open too many website tabs in the same browser as it may affect transaction tracking.
Clearing the cache/cookies before purchasing through Quidco gives the best chance of the cookie tracking correctly
Managing Cookies
Cookies can be managed within your browser, however, the process can be different depending on which one you use. Please select your browser below to find out more:
Google Chrome
Google Chrome
We've found a helpful support article created by Google Chrome which shows you how to enable cookies and how to clear them when you need to:
We've found a helpful support article created by Mozilla (the company who created Firefox) which shows you how to enable cookies and how to clear then when you need to:
There's a few support articles created by Apple to manage your cookies depending on your device:
For Microsoft Edge Users:
We’ve found that Microsoft Edge tends to be less reliable when it comes to tracking purchases and using some of the features on our site, so we would recommend that you download one of the other browsers. However, if you do wish to use Internet Explorer, you can find the information relating to allowing and clearing cookies here.
Internet Explorer is no longer supported and will not work with many websites.